I know this post has long been overdue. Dating from March of last year. But as the saying goes better late than never and wai'dup! nobody set a deadline to me, so nevermind. I almost forgot the details of our trip so imma just post our pictures nalang.. haha.. But a little bit of sharing of whats left in my memory box.. I remember my bestfriend Jesh (akong aningkon nga bestfriend..haha..) invited me to join them in their travel, I thought it was a special invitation para lang sa mga circle of friends namo, yun pala just to fill the slots sa van.. hahay..neway, I asked him of course asa ang trip then he said Sohoton, Surigao daw, and I'm like what? where? cause ignorant as I may sound pero first time nako madungog ang Sohoton na place, promise! So I may say yes nalang with my extra baggage Anesha with me, cause you know strict ang management kung dili nako sabayon akong anak..So fast forward to the day of departure or should I say night, cause 11 pm mi magbyahe from Davao. It was my first time to travel ug layo layo with me and my daughter so I kennot explain the feeling, charot.. hay kapoy explain, tan awa nalang ang pictures..
Forgot where we're heading, basta selfie ta guys! |
shore walk 'cause t'was lowtide, sangyad among bangka, vayeet! |
Team Supladoz
kung duha lang ka picture imong nakita, wait lang kay nag loading pa na, hinay guro imong net.. char lang.. to be continued na kay mag alas 12 na, sleepy na sok..